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All Forums:
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  • Thermal catalytic CO₂ conversion
  • Homogeneous CO₂ Conversion & Biotechnological routes for CO₂ conversion
  • Photochemical, electrochemical, plasma induced CO₂ conversion
  • CO₂ capture, storage and mineralization non-chemical utilization, policies, strategies
All Dates (UTC+8):
  • All
  • 2024-06-17 [Monday]
  • 2024-06-18 [Tuesday]
  • 2024-06-19 [Wednesday]
  • 2024-06-20 [Thursday]
  • 2024-06-21 [Friday]
All Rooms:
  • All
  • I CAFE
  • Grand Ballroom
  • 1、Ballroom A
  • 2、Ballroom B
  • 3、Ballroom C
  • 4、Dalian Ballroom A
  • 5、Dalian Ballroom B

2024-06-18 Tuesday

1、Ballroom A (UTC+8)

14:00-15:35 (UTC+8) | Session 1 [Thermal catalytic CO₂ conversion]
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Type Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 14:00-14:25 Keynote

Designing multifunctional catalysts for the direct conversion of CO₂ to value-added chemicals

Guohui Yang University of Toyama
2 14:25-14:40 Oral

CO₂ Hydrogenation to Carbon-Neutral Fuels by Customized Fe Catalysts

Lisheng Guo Anhui University
3 14:40-14:55 Oral

The robust three-dimensional macroporous iron-foam catalyst for direct conversion of CO₂ to olefins

Yi Liu National Institute of Clean-and-low-carbon Energy
4 14:55-15:20 Keynote

Low-temperature catalytic conversion of CO₂

Dehui Deng Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS
5 15:20-15:35 Oral

Water Desorption Intensification Catalyst system for COx hydrogenation

Xinhua Gao Ningxia University
15:35-15:50 (UTC+8) | Coffee Break
15:50-17:20 (UTC+8) | Session 2 [Thermal catalytic CO₂ conversion]
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Type Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 15:50-16:15 Keynote

Hydrogenation of CO₂ to olefins over Fe-based catalysts

Yifan Han Zhengzhou University
2 16:15-16:30 Oral

Highly active and selective Ga-Zr oxide for CO₂ hydrogenation to light olefins

Fanhui Meng Taiyuan University of Technology
3 16:30-16:45 Oral

Graphene Fence Engineering of Multiple Catalytic Sites Realizes Switchable-Orientation CO₂ Hydrogenation

Jiaming Liang University of Toyama
4 16:45-17:05 Invited

Direct conversion of CO₂ into liquid fuels and high-value chemicals

Jian Sun Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS
5 17:05-17:20 Oral

Interfacial Confinement of In₂O₃-TiO₂ for Enhanced CO₂ Hydrogenation Reaction

Jianyang Wang Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS